One thought on “05-19-86”

  1. I just saw a video on my Facebook about what Jamie did…thank you Jamie. I’m currently at the airport waiting on a flight back home to Houston after a week long vacation with my family. I made a promise to myself that I would try my best to see parts of the world. When a suggestion came up to search your birthday and see what pic showed…and all I could do was smile. I’m not a big religious person but my parents once told me if you are ever going through anything or need answer you could randomly open the Bible and read and it would relate to your problem/ situation at hand…today you were my random page in a better bible of a random strangers life. Thank you cause now I know that taking trips and seeing the world is more than just a vacation…but a journey in life I can’t wait to take. Thank you Jamie…where ever you are and Rest In Peace friendly stranger.


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