Stories about those days.

The stories that people have about Jamie’s photos are a source of amazement.  Some are of the “that’s me and we were doing this” type of stories from Jamie’s friends. Some are the “I never met Jamie but this was taken on my birthday and it means a lot to me. And some are just stunningly moving one of a kind stories.

  • From sds on 05-21-93


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  • From sds on 05-21-93


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  • From xiayang on 02-01-88


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  • From TARA on 08-28-81

    The day I was born. Great project.

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  • From Idan Solon on 08-20-92

    Why was he admitted to the hospital in late June, 1991? Was that related?

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  • From jun on 03-19-92


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  • From tsahkratis on 05-02-79

    aviator frames
    red-buttoned rig, with flash bar
    self-portrait, self-pose

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  • From tsahkratis on 03-31-79

    we smile together
    while the first buds of spring op’
    and light captures hue

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  • From Aimee Jones Watson on 05-06-79

    This guy looks like a young Marc Maron

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  • From Claire on 11-07-90

    very very goood

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  • From 李晓丽 on 10-07-90


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  • From Vonnie on 10-25-97

    Rest in peace, Jamie, and thank you for sharing.

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  • From ZXL on 07-06-86

    that day

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  • From Aicha Bah on 01-28-89

    Every once in a while I look scan the internet in the search of this blog…I always end up finding it, and when I do find it, it helps me realize how ephemeral life is.
    It is such a strange feeling to be able to look at someone’s life and scan through it – see his happy moments, he his sad moments, he him when he was full of life and finally draining from life.
    I am amazed, and the familiarity this blog evokes. Although young today, I know the only certainty I have about the future in life, is death – all the things in between it is up to me to decide how my story will go. Thank you Jamie for this, for you, for your artistry. Your work touches me more than any Picasso or Michelangelo in the world.

    With youth and life,

    PS: I was born on January 28th 1989, look like you had a fun day that day!

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  • From David Van Taylor on 08-20-92

    This is my (now ex-) wife and me during a celebration of my 30th birthday. Jamie and probably a dozen others came together for the occasion at a restaurant called Positively 104th Street. I had always kind of resented it as an outpost of gentrification–I lived down the block–but it turned out to be a pretty good neighbor.

    At the party a bunch of my friends had gotten together to buy me a CD boxed set of all of Thelonious Monk on Riverside. Great gift. But what I really remember is Jamie saying to me as we left, “Yeah, give me a call right after you’ve finished listening to the whole thing.” A joking commentary on the craziness of such boxed sets–this one has something like 16 CDs. He probably said it right after taking the picture–I feel like the picture was taken just as the event was breaking up.

    I thought it was a very funny thing to say. I thought it was even funnier in a weird way when in fact I didn’t talk to Jamie for a long stretch after that–as if he had uttered some sort of droll curse on our friendship that was now coming true.

    It feels like the next thing I knew Jamie was sick. I never saw him after learning he had cancer; I wasn’t in that inner circle. I don’t think it can be true that I never talked to Jamie after 8/20/92, but it feels like it in my spliced-together memory. And it is true that I’ve *never* listened to every track in the CD set. So in my mind, this photo documents the curse of the Thelonious Monk boxed set, which ended my friendship with Jamie forever.

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    • From Ale on 08-20-92

      Man, is a sad story. But the life is full of these situations. Look this photo I suposed is very hard for you, and is good that you write about it.


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      • From David Van Taylor on 08-20-92

        Thank you.

        To be clear, while I was shocked and sad about Jamie’s end, and that we were out of touch, I have such strong memories of him–both of and through the great photo of the day and Hugh’s fantastic effort to preserve it–that I still feel connected to him. And somehow I feel Jamie would appreciate the Curse of Thelonious in all its bizarre humor.

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  • From 白静 on 08-16-94


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  • From 孔祥晖 on 09-28-95

    I really want to see their birthday photos

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  • From Horrocks on 06-22-97

    Today,I born.

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  • From Kirby on 05-30-82

    Chris Cutler?

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  • From Kirby on 08-13-83

    Where was this?

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  • From fitz on 04-08-80

    west 72nd st. @ west end ave.

    north east corner

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