I was born on this exact day at a minute to three in the afternoon, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Scotland. Labour was 2 hours from the first twinge to delivery and my Mum said I bleated like a little lamb. 0 Reply
I was born on this day in the pouring rain in Australia. I was 6 weeks early and only 4 pounds 2 ounces. Today I am a chef so this photo suits me!!!! 0 Reply
I was born on this exact day at a minute to three in the afternoon, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Scotland. Labour was 2 hours from the first twinge to delivery and my Mum said I bleated like a little lamb.
I was born on this day in the pouring rain in Australia. I was 6 weeks early and only 4 pounds 2 ounces. Today I am a chef so this photo suits me!!!!