This day was My 31 birthday. I was living in NJ with US family and My parents were visiting the US. They had a hotell room on Manhattan and I stayed with them. It was winter and very cold. Communication into Manhattan was cut off. There was snow and ice everywhere, hardly No cars, only yellow Cabs. We had a great day owning the Manhattan streets in the cold. In the Evening We went to Madison square garden to see a hockey game. Some Swedish hockeyplayers playing. Great show. Lovely arena.
This day was My 31 birthday. I was living in NJ with US family and My parents were visiting the US. They had a hotell room on Manhattan and I stayed with them. It was winter and very cold. Communication into Manhattan was cut off. There was snow and ice everywhere, hardly No cars, only yellow Cabs. We had a great day owning the Manhattan streets in the cold. In the Evening We went to Madison square garden to see a hockey game. Some Swedish hockeyplayers playing. Great show. Lovely arena.
The day my Older sister was born.
I was born on this day. Good to see a picture from the time, that didn’t involve me.