Note that the big book will arrive after new years. It turns out that it takes a while to make a 768-page book.
If you would like to order a book you can do that by paying for it at the link
Make sure you choose Goods & Services when you check out. That way you can fill out a shipping label so I can send you your book, you can tell me what name you want on the list of supporters and you get “PayPal Purchase Protection”, which sounds like a good thing. The other option is friends and family which saves me a fee, but all I get is your initials which makes sending you a book really hard.
The packages are as follows:
The Book
$53 plus shipping
The book, the whole book, nothing but the book. This is what will be available in places you can buy books, but without the 80% to 300% cumulative markup that normal book distribution channels incur.
The book, the whole book, nothing but the book. This is what will be available in places you can buy books, but without the 80% to 300% cumulative markup that normal book distribution channels incur.
W.T.C. P.O.D. :
The Twin Towers Book
$20 with free shipping
A small 48 page book containing the Photos Of the Day Polaroids that depict the World Trade Center twin towers. Contains 21 full sized* photos, soft bound, and printed on heavy 105# paper
Width: 5 inches, or 12.700 cm.
Height: 6.54 inches, or 16.6 cm
*The full size of a SX70 photo, not the full size of the World Trade Towers
The Book International bundle
$53 plus shipping
The book, the whole book, Plus the twin towers book, to make up for the high cost of international shipping!
The Book USA Bundle
$70 plus shipping:
The book, the whole book, and the Twin Towers book
Some Photos Of That Day Book & Twin Towers Book
Shipping in the USA is $10. Express delivery to the rest of the world via US post office flat rate express mail is shown here.
All of the other package deals mentioned on Kickstarter are still available, see for details.
If you have questions here is the place to ask them.
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