Its my birthday. The day i was born… I always find it difficult to realize that some one else was born on the same day as me. I have never met one you see. And that very day, you took this pic. Its amazing. How did you do it? the dedication…
I was born 22.02.1991 I find it amazing to see what someone was doing on the day I was born. I was born at 12:18am after my mother went into labour at London Charring Cross train station after seeing the Rocky Horror Show. I was born in Camden Hospital, London and apparently it snowed that day too. It’s funny to see a photograph that is so sunny and bright. I am also a photographer and art and photography Teacher in a secondary school. I love these images and will use them with my post 16 photography class.
I was born this day in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, South America! I’ll save this photo as a lucky charm! It is very touching :’) Thanks Jamie, wherever you are
Its my birthday. The day i was born… I always find it difficult to realize that some one else was born on the same day as me. I have never met one you see. And that very day, you took this pic. Its amazing. How did you do it? the dedication…
I was born on February 22, 1991. Kind of incredible to see what someone else was doing at that moment in time in another part of the world.
Identical twins were born 8 weeks premature on this day in Minnesota. We’re still kicking
I was born February 22nd, 1986 in Manitoba, Canada
I was born 22.02.1991 I find it amazing to see what someone was doing on the day I was born. I was born at 12:18am after my mother went into labour at London Charring Cross train station after seeing the Rocky Horror Show. I was born in Camden Hospital, London and apparently it snowed that day too. It’s funny to see a photograph that is so sunny and bright. I am also a photographer and art and photography Teacher in a secondary school. I love these images and will use them with my post 16 photography class.
I was born this day in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, South America! I’ll save this photo as a lucky charm! It is very touching :’) Thanks Jamie, wherever you are