5 thoughts on “03-13-91”

  1. My birthday, Wednesday’s child is full of woe. My head was so big when I was born, it was off the chart. My mum wasn’t worried but the doctors were having a field day. My head is much more normal a size now, though some may dispute that.

  2. My birthday. I wasn’t supposed to be born yet. Still had a few more weeks. But my mother’s blood pressure skyrocketed and I needed to come out. Despite being small and a little pre-mature, I was a healthy baby ready to greet the world.

  3. It was my birthday on that day. My mum decided to delivered me at home with the thought that it would be as easy as my sister but she was wrong. I was between 8 or 9 pounder boy and was covered with mucus when I was delivered, to the point that it bloked my nose and it inhibits me to grasp for my first air. My poor dad sucked my nose and from then my life starts. They say that 13 is not a lucky number but for me it’s the best number because on that day a cute baby was born. 😊


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