If you are born on this day that makes us sensies (Sense8 – Google it) there is currently 2 of us trying to connect with people born on this exactly day 21.03.1992
If u are curious about this text me on what’s app +971564087624
I was born in this exactly day: 03-21-1992, 10:10 in the morning.
Maybe while the man played the guitar and the sun shone, I was born.
I hope it was a good day for Jamie.
This is the day I came into this world
Me too
I didn’t realise it was a Saturday
my birthday
The day I was born
Hello Hannah! Have u ever heard about sense8?
If you are born on this day that makes us sensies (Sense8 – Google it)
there is currently 2 of us trying to connect with people born on this exactly day 21.03.1992
If u are curious about this text me on what’s app +971564087624
I was born in this exactly day: 03-21-1992, 10:10 in the morning.
Maybe while the man played the guitar and the sun shone, I was born.
I hope it was a good day for Jamie.