7 thoughts on “06-18-90”

  1. I was born on this day…27 years later I have a passion for baseball and am a published author, but funny enough last year on my birthday I purchased my first Polaroid camera…

  2. My Birthday 🙂 .. I guess someone was following his passion every​ single day of his life. Touching story and also kudos to ones who are keeping this memories going for future generations.

  3. This year I was 27 on this day. My best birthday I’ve had. I’ve always wanted a Polaroid camera. This year I got one. Today 26th June 2017 I discovered this website 💜

  4. I was born on this day, and I’m also 27. And I’ve loved baseball my whole life. I felt this was so fitting for my birth day. Thank you for sharing these pictures along with this man’s life with all of us.


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