This was taken the day I was born And I am 27 as of today 11/27/16 and I have a camera because I love photography and feel as tho people she see the beauty in everything as well. Rest easy mr Livingston
When i was born….., this colloge is so beautiful. I find so much respect for someone like him to follow through everyday even with his illness. They say 1 picture is worth a thousand word. This is worth a life time of word, his lifetime.
This was taken the day I was born
And I am 27 as of today 11/27/16 and I have a camera because I love photography and feel as tho people she see the beauty in everything as well. Rest easy mr Livingston
This was taken on my birthday!!
RIP Mr. Livingston
When i was born….., this colloge is so beautiful. I find so much respect for someone like him to follow through everyday even with his illness. They say 1 picture is worth a thousand word. This is worth a life time of word, his lifetime.